I cherish the treasure 我珍惜這珍寶
The treasure of you 這珍寶就是妳
Lifelong companion 一生相伴同行
I give myself to you 我將自己獻給妳
God has enabled me 神幫助我
To walk with you faithfully 得以忠誠地與妳同行
And cherish the treasure 並珍惜這珍寶
The treasure of you 這珍寶就是妳
As I obey the Spirit's voice 當我順服聖靈的聲音
And seek to do His will 尋求來行祂的旨意
I then can see the wisdom of His plan 我才能看見祂計畫的智慧
For as He works His will in me 因祂在我裡面成就祂的美意
I then can love you selflessly 我才能無私的愛妳
And by His grace, can pledge my love to you 並藉著祂的恩典,能向妳承諾我的愛
This sacred vow I make to you 我向妳許這神聖的誓言
Does not contain an "if" 不會包含一句「假若」
Though I'm aware that trials lie ahead 縱使我知道前面佈滿試探
I will love you and pray with you 我會繼續愛妳並與妳同心禱告
And through it all, I will stay with you 和妳同渡困難
Our home will be a refuge of unconditional love 我們的家將會充滿無條件的愛