看見這破碎的世界 Look at the world we live today
看見人心充滿傷痛 Look at the hurting everywhere
主願祢憐憫與恩典 Let us see mercy and Your grace
充滿在每個角落 Overflowed in every place
我們願與主合為一 Let us be one with You today
願祢榮耀降臨 And let Your glory fall
We will Shine We will Shine
如天上群星 Shine like stars above
發出祢榮光 Shining in Your light
因祢愛照亮 Guided by Your love
聖靈火焰燃燒著 Let Your fire burn in us
燃燒如太陽 Burning like a sun
我們高聲唱 As we glorify
願祢國度降臨 Show Your Kingdom come
在全地上 To all of the earth
叫我們活出祢公義 Teach us to live in righteousness
叫我們活在祢愛裡 Teach us to love in one accord
求引導我們的生命 Guide us to live life everyday
願能一生敬拜祢 As we worship in Your court
宣揚祢大能與尊貴 Let us declare Your majesty
願祢榮耀降臨 And let Your glory fall
We will shine like stars above As we're burnning like the sun